Welcome to the IDG Water Network!
Building a water-sensitive society by integrating inner development methods into creating sustainable water systems.
We are an officially recognized by the Inner Development Goals Initiative.
The Inner Development Goals (IDG) is a non-profit and open source organization. We are a global movement, with 500+ Hubs around the world, that advocates for inner development and enables its integration into society.
Inner Development Goals
We believe that the Inner Development Goals Framework and skills are fundamental in the work of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
We work for the IDG Water Network to transform our relationship with aquatic ecosystems through inner development in order to recognize it as a key component for a sustainable future, because it is fundamental to protect our planet.
Meet the IDG Water Network Coordinators!

Jens Kiesel
PostDoc for hydrologic and hydraulic modelling // Freshwater ecology expert // Environmental Modeler // Likes life on Earth and being outdoors

Kristin Peters
PhD student at CAU Kiel University // Doctoral Researcher in DFG project RESIST // Steering comitte of DHG network of young hydrologists // Yoga enthusiast

Michael Bach
Professor for Water Resources Management // Founder of the Wasserblog // Core developer of BlueM // Consultant // Meditator and avid traveler, trying to live a meaningful life