Founding of the IDG Water Network

Wow! We have been a bit overwhelmed by the interest for the combination of Inner Development with sustainable Water Resources Management!

Apparently, Torny Holgren is right: Water is a topic where the challenges of the future are particularly evident, and therefore it is increasingly not only of interest to water experts but also to the general public.

From the very beginning, the founding members of the ‘IDG Water Hub’ were spread across Germany, so the work was never concentrated in a single location. As its recognition has grown, so has its sphere of influence.

Following the naming convention of the Inner Development Goals Initiative, we have transitioned from being a ‘Hub’ to a ‘Network’ – as an IDG Network “is across geographical borders“.

We are happy and thankful, that the ‘IDG Water Network’ is getting so much postive attention and support and …

… we are looking forward to growing and collaborating in wider and wider circles…

Image by Brittney King from Pixabay
Ripple effects in water [Image by Brittney King | Pixabay]